Aleister Crowley Quotes

Aleister Crowley

October 12, 1875 - December 1, 1947

Leamington Spa, United Kingdom

Poet, Mountaineer, Ceremonial magician

Aleister Crowley Quotes 1+ Enlarge & Share

In the absence of willpower the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless.

-Aleister Crowley-

Aleister Crowley Quotes 2+ Enlarge & Share

I was asked to memorize what I did not understand; and, my memory being so good, it refused to be insulted in that manner.

-Aleister Crowley-

Aleister Crowley Quotes 3+ Enlarge & Share

Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.

-Aleister Crowley-

Aleister Crowley Quotes 4+ Enlarge & Share

The ordinary man looking at a mountain is like an illiterate person confronted with a Greek manuscript.

-Aleister Crowley-

Aleister Crowley Quotes 5+ Enlarge & Share

Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts, keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales.

-Aleister Crowley-

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